Coleus – Sun Series ‘Sedona’: Glowing orange leaves splashed with deeper orange; 12-24”. Cultivars are constantly changing; I’ll do.
Coleus – Sun Series ‘Sedona’: Glowing orange leaves splashed with deeper orange; 12-24”. Cultivars are constantly changing; I’ll do.
Torenia ‘Kauai Series’: Only 8” but loves heat and humidity as well as shade; available in flats.
Snapdragon ‘Twinny Peach’: Butterfly flower (double); unique color is a blend of peach, yellow and light orange; 12”;.
Alternanthera (Calico Plant, Joseph’s Coat) ‘Brazilian Red Hots’: Bright pink and purple; an upright grower; 18″ tall by.
Coleus – Sun Series ‘Sky Fire’: Jagged wine-red leaves are deepest burgundy at the base shading to rose.
Laurentia ‘Beth’s Blue’: Have been growing this incontainers for the past few years and love it; true blue.
Torenia ‘Rose Moon’: Tubular rose and pale lavender flowers with yellow markings; bloom all season; filtered sun or.
Alternanthera (Calico Plant, Joseph’s Coat) ‘Party Time’: Bright pink and green, upright foliage that obviates the need for flowers;.