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Lonicera sempervirens – Trumpet Honeysuckle

Although many people say they want a perennial garden, such a garden need not be exclusively perennials since there are often instances when a perennial will not fill the bill. There is often a need for a vertical element that…

The Glories of Spring

April 23, 2024 Deer, Gardening, Landscape Design

Hyacinthus Blue Jacket' and Helleborus orientalis in front garden. With the exception of everything blooming nearly a month early, this is a typical Cleveland spring – cold and rainy with some very warm, teasing temperatures in between. There just doesn't…

Digitalis – Foxglove

While I wait for Spring to feel like Spring, I’m thinking about what to add to my garden. I’ve tried many foxgloves over the years and frankly, my favorites are the perennials rather than the biennials even though they are…

Evergreen Goundcovers, Part 2

Festuca ‘Cool As Ice’ en In my last post, I discussed perennials that are evergreen and make great groundcovers. This time, I’m going to suggest some ornamental grasses and sedges. Although most ornamental grasses do not remain evergreen, the…

Evergreen Groundcovers

Homeowners and landscapers face many problems, not the least of which are areas that are difficult to mow but need to look good. This includes short but steep slopes, larger, gentler embankments, and large swathes of flat or rolling ground.…

Shrubs for Full Sun

High on my list of go-to shrubs for full sun is the genus Spiraea.  They are incredibly tough, able to withstand dry soil although better with some moisture. There are numerous cultivars, some of which bloom only in spring and…

Shrubs for Full Sun

High on my list of go-to shrubs for full sun is the genus Spiraea.  They are incredibly tough, able to withstand dry soil although better with some moisture. There are numerous cultivars, some of which bloom only in spring and…