
Tucson Impressions

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I’ve always loved the Sonoran Desert landscape as well as the attendant art. I jumped, therefore, at the.

How Can We Make Our Landscapes More Sustainable?-Part III

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Whether starting from scratch with a new house or renovating a landscape, most homeowners forget to think about.

Holiday Time

December 9, 2022 Gardening
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I like to think of myself as well-organized but this year, I seem to have been caught unaware.

How Can We Make Our Landscapes More Sustainable? – Part I

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Late Fall is the perfect time to reflect on both the past and the future of our landscapes..

Bring In the Outdoors

October 12, 2022 Gardening, Indoor Gardening
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The beautiful new containers on your deck or patio or in your garden were a sight to behold.


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It’s now late September and the garden is still glorious. Late perennials as well as reblooming perennials are.

Rudbeckia subtomentosa

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There are several species of Rudbeckia, the best known of which is R.fulgida, especially the cultivar ‘Goldsturm’ (often.

Campanula punctata – Spotted Bellflower

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And the drought continues. Last year, it seemed to rain every other day but not this year. This.

Clematis Is Happiness

June 10, 2022 Gardening, Landscape Design, Vines
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If you are a Clematis junkie like I am, June is the month when many of them engulf.

Do You Know Your Hibiscus?

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Hibiscus is both the common and botanical name for three different species of this genus. Many people think first.