Coleus – Sun Series ‘Big Blonde’: Selected for its sun tolerance; thrives in hot, sunny conditions; burgundy stems with.
Coleus – Sun Series ‘Big Blonde’: Selected for its sun tolerance; thrives in hot, sunny conditions; burgundy stems with.
Cuphea ‘Sriracha Series’: Choose pink or rose; 24” high and wide with many spikes; endless source of color;.
Oxalis ‘Zinfandel’: Wine-red leaves with yellow flowers; foliage is greener in part shade. Sun or partial shade; 6-10”.
Vinca Cora Cascade™ ‘Strawberry’: Pink with dark eye. Hot pink with white eye. Disease resistant, heavy flowering, 12-14”.
Cosmos ‘Xanthos’: This new cosmos has radiant, soft-yellow hues; blooms avishly, from late June to frost; 24″ high.
Coleus – Sun Series ‘Dark Star’: Purple foliage that glows with a subtle sheen; nicely shaped scalloped edge. Cultivars are.
Cyperus ‘Baby Tut’ (Dwarf Papyrus): 18-24”. Moisture and water loving grass-like plant but keep crown above water; useful.
Pennisetum ‘Fireworks’ in light shade: An eyecatching annual fountain grass with a burgundy midvein flanked by hot pink.
Vinca Cora Cascade™ ‘Blackberry’: Dark purple with white eye. Disease resistant, heavy flowering, 12-14” or in container as.
Gomphrena ‘Las Vegas Mix’: A mix of white, pale rose pink, and deep purple; 18″ high, a good.