Petunia (All are fragrant) Crazytunia ‘Sparky’: Magenta and yellow irregular bicolor.
About Bobbie
Bobbie: An avid gardener for 45 years and a landscape designer for 37 years, she is continually learning from seminars and conventions of the trade associations to which she belongs. Her extensive travels to gardens and nurseries have contributed greatly to her knowledge of design and new plants. She is actively involved in several industry organizations, among which are the Perennial Plant Association and the Association of Professional Landscape Designers (she is a certified member of APLD and was inducted as a Fellow in the summer of 2008). She was President of APLD twice after having served for several years as chair of the Certification Committee. Her new book, Garden Renovation: Transform Your Yard into the Garden of Your Dreams, will be published in October by Timber Press but can be pre-ordered at your favorite bookstore or at
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