How many times have you been frustrated by a watering wand that leaks or that only has one way to water? I don’t have enough fingers to count that high but my frustration has ended.
When I attended the Garden Writers conference last month, I stopped at the Dramm booth to admire their water wand display and talked to one of the spokespersons. When I left the booth, I had a new watering wand called RainSelect that features nine different watering patterns, from mist to shower to stream. Not only that but the valve on the outside of the wand, more like a thick rubber band, allows complete control of the water flow, from very gentle to strong.
Made of aluminum, it is light weight and comes in a variety of cheery colors. It comes in different lengths. I chose the shortest one, 16”, although now I wish I had chosen the 30” for easier reach for containers and plants that are behind other ones.
Now, I just have to find a non-kink hose that really doesn’t kink. Everyone I have purchased so far has been disappointing. What a pain it is to go unkink the hose!