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Native Plants for Northeast Ohio – Perennials – Asclepias

March 20, 2014 Gardening, Landscape Design

[caption id="attachment_2630" align="alignleft" width="240"] Asclepias tuberosa[/caption] The bright orange umbels of Asclepias tuberosa (Butterfly Weed) is a familiar sight and is the best known member of the milkweed family. Hardy from zones 4-9, it is slow to foliate in the…

Sunny Skies – Flora of Puerto Vallarta

March 27, 2014 Gardening, Landscape Design

[caption id="attachment_2665" align="alignleft" width="180"] Cococut Palm along the Malecon and the Pacific Ocean[/caption] We’re all still waiting for sunny skies and warm temperatures. In the meantime, my honey and I flew to Puerto Vallarta for a week. P.V. always has…

Native Plants for Northeast Ohio – Perennials – Liatris

April 3, 2014 Gardening, Landscape Design

[caption id="attachment_2642" align="alignleft" width="240"] Liatris in raised bed[/caption] One of the highlights of the July/August garden is the unusual bloom of Liatris, known as both Gayfeather and Blazing Star.  Liatris spikes are composed of a series of fuzzy disks or…

Glorious Spring

April 10, 2014 Gardening, Landscape Design

The importance of immediate spring cleanup was made very clear to me at the end of last week and the beginning of this week. A number of my little spring bulbs and a few perennials have decided that it’s time…

Annuals That Love Ohio Heat

April 17, 2014 Gardening, Landscape Design

It may seem strange to talk about annuals that love Ohio heat while we are waiting for the most recent snowfall to melt but summer will be upon us before we know it. [caption id="attachment_2737" align="alignleft" width="180"] Nicotiana sylvestris in…

Native Plants for Northeast Ohio – Perennials – Lobelia cardinalis

April 24, 2014 Gardening, Landscape Design

[caption id="attachment_2757" align="alignleft" width="225"] Lobelia cardinalis at Franklin Park Conservatory in the hummingbird garden[/caption] Our landscapes have been graced by the beauty of lobelias for many years. There are both annual and perennial lobelias, native in many parts of the…

The Lowdown on Compost

Anyone interested in sustainability is probably either composting yard waste and possibly food waste. Those who don’t have space, time, or interest can still improve their soil in the garden or in containers by purchasing leaf humus or some other…