In between raindrops and thunderstorms, I have been loving walking through my gardens each morning to see what is in bloom.
The morning of May 4, I saw the fully open, bright chartreuse yellow blooms of Euphorbia polychroma interwtwined with bits of Arabis caucasica ‘Snowcap’, a good color combination and excellent textural contrast.
Also that morning, both Lathyrus vernus which has purple blooms and Lathyrus vernus ‘Rosea’ were in bloom. The ‘Rosea’ is older and fuller. I’m hoping that the species will become bushier as it matures.
Both Stylophorum diphyllum (Celandine Poppy) and Trillium grandiflorum highlight my shade gardens. I loved the lobed foliage of the poppy and the fact that the plant has seeded heavily. Fortunately, the visiting deer have not found my Trillium.
i have to show you my Brunnera macrophylla ‘Jack Frost’ with its tiny blue flowers raising their tiny heads among the Magnolia petals that have fallen from above.
I love my Lupinus perennis which is naturalizing. Behind it is Azalea ‘Northern Lights’ and in front of it is an unusual bulb, Ornithogalum magnum which is just starting to bloom.
You may not be familiar with Spiraea betulifolia ‘Glow Girl’. It was sent to me as a trial plant by Proven Winners in 2013. It took a few years to get going but it truly glows, even when it’s not in bloom.
That’s it for now. So much is happening so quickly that I’lll have lots more to show next week.
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