Forsythia in bloom

Butchered Forsythia along driveway

As I walk the neighborhood, I see that the Forysthia came through the winter with its flower buds intact and some it looks absolutely beautiful. Sadly, much of it terrible, not because it’s not in bloom, but because it’s been planted in the wrong place. Why is it planted next to a driveway where it has no space to grow? Keep in mind that this is a plant that is in its glory when allowed to stretch tall feet tall and wide. Because it is so often planted improperly, the only solution to restraining its growth is severe pruning.

Ranunculus ficaria

Another yellow plant in bloom now is Ranunculus ficaria (Lesser Celandine), a perennial that I regard as a noxious weed. A tiny bit soon becomes a large mass. Its rhizomes spread unchecked and smother everything in its way.

A few years ago, I planted a Thuja (standishi x plicata) Ember Waves™, a yellow form of Western Arborvitae, in my front yard. This week I noticed that some yellow Narcissus were nearby, a serendipitous form of color echo. For contrast, my lovely turquoise pot is quite visible now that I’ve transplanted the Leptodermis oblonga that was in front of it and totally obscuring the pot.

Unfurling maple leaves

Some of the treelawn trees have branches low enough for me to photograph. I particularly marvel at the unfolding of the maple leaf buds. They are so graceful and the red color is lovely. Another few days of warmth and they will open all the way. Unfortunately, the weather forecast for the next few days includes nighttime temperatures in the thirties.

Magnolia stellata ‘Royal Star’

Buds of Magnolia soulangeana

I’m praying for all the magnolias. The Star Magnolia (Magnolia stellata) are in glorious bloom and the buds of Magnolia soulangeana are about to pop. If it gets too cold the next few nights, they’ll be toast.

As one of my clients said, Spring is sputtering. I wish Mother Nature would put her foot on the pedal more gently.