It’s finally March. Therefore, winter is mostly behind us. We’ve even had a few teaser days that spur.
It’s finally March. Therefore, winter is mostly behind us. We’ve even had a few teaser days that spur.
Fall Garden Care My favorite fall blooming perennials are finally starting to show their colors. I love the.
Last weekend, at the St. Clair County Master Gardeners Conference, I was one of four speakers. All were.
This is the perfect time to be thinking about making the most of your garden space by interplanting.
Even though the temperatures are back in the high eighties and fall has not yet arrived, those who.
Every avid gardener lusts for as much color as possible in the landscape. Integrating bulbs into the landscape.
It’s Planting Time! Now that autumnal weather is with us, we know that winter will follow all too.
At some point in their lives, everyone has the urge to redecorate. When that urge hits, the ultimate.
In last week’s blog, I discussed planting large and small bulbs in the same hole to create a.
Many spring-flowering bulbs are overlooked, particularly those that light up the landscape during mid and late Spring. .