
Lonicera sempervirens – Trumpet Honeysuckle

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Although many people say they want a perennial garden, such a garden need not be exclusively perennials since.

Evergreen Goundcovers, Part 2

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In my last post, I discussed perennials that are evergreen and make great groundcovers. This time, I’m going.

Shrubs for Full Sun

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High on my list of go-to shrubs for full sun is the genus Spiraea.  They are incredibly tough,.

How Can We Make Our Landscapes More Sustainable?-Part III

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Whether starting from scratch with a new house or renovating a landscape, most homeowners forget to think about.

How Can We Make Our Landscapes More Sustainable?-Part II

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Many parts of the country face long droughts or sudden, huge inundations of water from hurricanes or floods..


May 18, 2022 Uncategorized
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The Holiday Bookshelf 2020 Edition, Part 1

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Holidays are usually a joyful time but this year, our holidays are fraught with indecision, fear, and sadness:.

Are Natives Misunderstood?

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After reading an article by Amanda Thompson in one of the green industry magazines to which I subscribe,.

Are Plants Sociable?

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At the beginning of the week, I was in Toronto to speak at Landscape Ontario, a combination of.

The Holiday Bookshelf, Part 2

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Rain Gardening in the South by Helen Kraus and Anne Spafford is not a new book. However, participating.