
The Holiday Bookshelf – Beautiful No-Mow-Yards

November 21, 2013 Gardening, Landscape Design
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Although Christmas is still a month away, and Chanukah starts next Wednesday evening, I’m sure that some of.

Native Plants for Northeast Ohio – Schizachyrium scoparium

July 3, 2014 Gardening, Landscape Design
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Blue brings smiles to people’s faces. Why? Perhaps because the color blue makes them think of blue skies.

Sustainability – How Much Lawn Do We Really Need? Part 2

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Much of the world seems to be suffering from drought and problems that are a result of chemical.

Sustainability – How Much Lawn Do We Really Need?

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  In the United States, suburban homes are invariably surrounded by lawn.  The amount depends on the size.

Sustainable Roses

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Mention roses to most people in the green industry or to the general public, and the first images.